Welcome to the STRATUM project

The new generation of neuronavigation systems for improved brain tumor surgeries

Our Goals

STRATUM will develop a clinically demonstrated 3D Decision Support Tool for brain surgery guidance and diagnostics based on multimodal data processing through Artificial Intelligence algorithms that will be integrated as an energy-efficient Point-of-Care computing tool


To foster advances in personalized medicine


To increase the intraoperative diagnostic accuracy


To reduce surgery time


To improve cost- and energy-efficiency of surgery


To clinically demonstrate the STRATUM prototype


To prepare the business plan and the TRL9 roadmap

Stay Tuned for News & Events

Follow up on all information and events related to the STRATUM project

STRATUM Consortium participates in the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design

Last week, on 28-30 August, the STRATUM team participated in the Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). Euromicro[…]

STRATUM at the Pint of Science Event in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

On Tuesday, 14 May, STRATUM participated in the Pint of Science event in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria at[…]

ULPGC host the kick-off meeting of the European STRATUM Project

The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was the venue for the kick off meeting of the STRATUM[…]

Our Consortium

STRATUM partners share a common vision to create an innovative 3D Decision Support Tool for brain surgery guidance and diagnostics

The STRATUM consortium comprises a diverse team, encompassing optical and imaging engineers, physicists, software engineers, clinicians, and industry stakeholders

Our Methodology

The STRATUM project has a duration of 5 years (60 months), and its workflow will follow an interactive, iterative and incremental methodology

Our Results

We are ensuring that our research findings are accessible to readers by offering open access to our publications and public deliverables